[2020-07-29] 实验室一篇论文被国际顶级会议ACM MM 2020接收
近日,实验室一篇论文被国际顶级会议ACM MM 2020接收,信息如下:论文名称:Exploring Font-independent Features for Scene Text Recognition作者列表: Y. Wang, Z. Lian*摘要:Scene text recognition (STR) has been extensively studied in lastfew years. Many recently-proposed methods are specially designedt...
[2020-05-01] 实验室一篇论文被国际顶级期刊TOG(SIGGRAPH 2020)接收
近日,实验室一篇论文被国际顶级期刊ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)(SIGGRAPH 2020)接收,信息如下:论文名称:Attribute2Font: Creating Fonts You Want From Attributes作者列表: Y. Wang, Y. Gao, Z. Lian*摘要:Font design is now still considered as an exclusive privilege of professionaldesigners, w...
[2020-02-25]祝贺门怡芳论文被CVPR 2020接收
门怡芳同学论文《Controllable Person Image Synthesis with Attribute-Decomposed GAN》被CVPR 2020录用!CVPR是计算机视觉、模式识别和人工智能领域国际顶级会议,2020年将在美国西雅图召开。本文提出了一种基于属性分解GAN的可控人图自动生成方法。门怡芳同学是本论文第一作者,现为实验室三年级硕士研究生。http://c...
[2019-09-04] 实验室一篇论文被国际顶级期刊TOG(SIGGRAPH Asia 2019)接收
近日,实验室一篇论文被国际顶级期刊ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)(SIGGRAPH Asia 2019)接收,信息如下:论文名称:Artistic Glyph Image Synthesis via One-Stage Few-Shot Learning作者列表: Y. Gao, Y. Guan, Z. Lian*, Y. Tang, J. Xiao摘要:Automatic generation of artistic glyph images is a challeng...
[2019-09-04] 实验室一篇论文被国际重要期刊CGF(PG 2019)接收
实验室一篇论文被国际重要期刊CGF(PG 2019)接收,信息如下:论文名称:FontRNN: Generating Large-scale Chinese Fonts via Recurrent Neural Network作者列表: S. Tang, Z. Xia, Z. Lian*, Y. Tang, J. Xiao摘要:Despite the recent impressive development of deep neural networks, using deep learning based meth...
[2019-07-23] 央视播出“新中国第一个计算机中文信息处理系统——汉字激光照排”
[2019-07-04] 实验室一篇论文被MM 2019接收
近日,ACM MM 2019 (CCF A类会议)审稿结果已出,实验室一篇论文《SRINet: Learning Strictly Rotation-Invariant Representations for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation》被接收,ACM MM是多媒体领域的顶级会议,将于2019年10月在法国召开.
[2019-05-13] 实验室一篇论文被国际重要期刊IJDAR录用发表
实验室一篇论文被文档分析与处理领域国际重要SCI期刊 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)录用发表,信息如下:论文名称:Boosting Scene Character Recognition by Learning Canonical Forms of Glyphs作者列表:Yizhi Wang, Zhouhui Lian*, Yingmin Tang, Jianguo Xiao摘要:As one o...